The activities of the Notre Dame Home & School Association each year are funded by the membership dues included in the student activity fee, along with the proceeds from the 10/10 Club. With your support, we are able to provide lock-in t-shirts for the incoming freshmen, hospitality for Back to School night, Open Houses, the Senior Homecoming reception, and fund the Senior Ceremony.
Here’s how the 2024-2025 10/10 Club works: An annual membership ticket is sold for $10. A drawing is held each day during the year. If your ticket is drawn on the last day of the month, you will win $100. If your ticket is drawn on any other day of the month, you win $10. After each drawing, the ticket goes back into the raffle pool. This means it is possible for a 10/10 club member to win more than once during the year!
We are asking each Notre Dame family to sell at least five 10/10 Club membership tickets. Think of family, friends, alumni and co-workers who would like to support the important events listed above, plus have an opportunity to win at the same time! Checks are mailed to the winners, so it is important that the correct address is legible on the ticket stub. Drawings begin September 1 and run through May 31!
To purchase 10/10 Club tickets, contact a Notre Dame student! Tickets can also be purchased from Laura Halter at
The Notre Dame Home & School Association thanks you for your support!