Notre Dame Alma Mater

by Sister Rosel Feder, SSND

Have you ever wondered why we stand a little taller?
Have you ever noticed the stars shining in our eyes?
We claim the name Notre Dame!
That’s the reason why!
Notre Dame! Notre Dame!

Notre Dame is our home for all seasons.
She takes what we bring and makes it grow.
Many are the challenges she gives us.
The landscape of LIFE we come to know!
Notre Dame! Notre Dame!

Notre Dame opens doors and beckons.
Every day holds the chance for life anew.
Faith and knowledge are her strongholds.
To her ideals we will be true! We will be true!
Strong is our love for Notre Dame.
Deep is our pride in her name.
Our learnings and friendships we long to share; We fortify them in our prayer.

Have you ever wondered why we stand a little taller?
Have you ever noticed the stars shining in our eyes?
We claim the name Notre Dame!
That’s the reason why! Notre Dame!
That’s the reason why! Notre Dame!