Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
Enjoy this celebration!
A BIG thank you to Hudson McVay for the cover of “In My Life” performing on drums, guitar, bass, synthesizer, and lead and backing vocals and mixing it all together! Unbelievable talent!!
Thank you to Choir members Molly Sellers, Caroline Bowen, Clayton Eftink, Liam Arnzen, Hudson McVay, Abby Brandon, and Winnie Pickett with special guest Tim Garner under the direction of Ellen Seyer for their performances of “Hold My Hand”, “Servant Song” and “Alleluia”.
And finally, to the Class of 2020 for an unforgettable four years (or 3.75 per Nick Hux)!!
Class of 2020 Graduates
Albuixech-Robinson, Alexander
Albuixech-Robinson, Claudia
Appleman, Allison
Ash, Camille
Barber, Elizabeth
Barwick, Kristen
Baz, Leighann
Bell, Zackariah
Birk, Jesse
Bowen, Caroline
Brandon, Abigail
Bruenderman, Bryce
Burge, Alice
Burger, Riley
Cain, Isabella
Campbell, Kaitlin
Chapman, Zachary
Clark, Alexa
Collom, Victoria
DeLine, Larkin
Dirnberger, Krista
Dittmer, Katherine
Dohogne, Kameron
Dorris, Ethan
Dunning, Phillip
Eby, Maggie
Eftink, Amy
Eftink, Brayden
Eftink, Clayton
Eftink, Shannon
Elfrink, Levi
Elledge, Madelyn
Essner, John
Evans, Cristian
Ferrell, Elise
Files, Liam
Flores, Jeannie
Floyd, Jack
Folsom, Taylor
Gage, Janet
Galemore, Mason
Gates, Mia
Gebhardt, Sophia
Givens, Evan
Gunn Dunn, Jordyn
Hagan, Sophie
Halter, Tyler
Han, Nagyeong
Harden, Carter
Haygood, Zachary
Heisserer, Andrew
Helman, Graciana
Higgins, Matthew
Hopkins, Isaac
Huang, Sandy
Hulshof, Madeline
Hurley, Gabriel
Hux, Nicholas
James III, William
Janota, Abigail
Jansen, Olivia
Jennings, Mollie
Jones, Luke
Karnes, Nicholas
Kellum, Emily
Ketcher, Bryson
Kielhofner, Bryson
King, Sydney
Klueppel, John
Ladwig, Alais
Landeros, Macy
Landewee, Grace
Landewee, Tyler
LaValle, Savannah
Le, Jennifer
LeGrand, Joseph
Lemons, Grace
Lincoln, Haley
Loos, Matthew
Pfeiffer, Parker
Phelps, David
Pickett, Winifred
Pobst, Mason
Mabrey, Macie
Maisuria, Jasmin
Marasini, Rajan
McGill, Austin
McVay, Hudson
Merideth, Gillian
Miles, Jackson
Missey, Connor
Morris, Blake
Mueller, Andrew
Mueller, Deven
Mullen, Madeline
Myers, Nadia
Naughton, Ethan
Oberlohr, Mary Claire
Oliver, Kathleen
Overfield, Paige
Park, Jinwoo
Parker, Tyler
Patterson, Casey
Perez, Avery
Peters, Tanner
Poe, Perri
Porter, Brittany
Priggel, Selena
Raines, Elizabeth
Roark, Abigail
Robert, Skyler
Robles, Juan-Pablo
Rodgers, Yasmeen
Ross, Brandon
Roth, Abigail
Rubi, Alessandra
Ryan, Chelsea
Sahai, Aarti
Sahai, Arjun
Salter, Emily
Schaaf, Amethyst
Scherer, Paul
Schmidt, Daniel
Schott, Bailey
Scobey, Camden
Seabaugh, Elisabeth
Sellers, Molly
Slinkard, Zachary
Stein, Hallie
Stewart, Griffin
Stroup, Anna Grace
Tamjidi, Raniya
Tedder, Gretchen
Thoma, Justice
Thurston, Andrew
Timpe, Natalie
Vandeven, Brent
Vercide, Jona
Vercide, Theresa
Whitten, Hannah
Williams, Sara
Ziegler, Anna

Kristen Barwick has been named the Valedictorian of the Notre Dame Regional High School Class of 2020. Kristen is the daughter of Charles and LeeAnne Barwick and is a member of La Croix Methodist Church in Cape Girardeau. Academically, Kristen is involved in FBLA, National Honor Society and Spanish National Honor Society. She is also involved in Athletes Give Back, Peer Helpers, and Franciscan Leaders. She is also a student-athlete completing her final season on the varsity softball team. During her time as a Softball player she received many honors including Defensive Player of the Year in her sophomore and junior years; All-Conference, All-District, and All-Regional Teams her sophomore and junior years; and Scholar Athlete Nominee during her senior year. Kristen made two state final four appearances in softball placing second her sophomore year and third her freshman year. She also received other scholastic and service honors including JV Christian Service Award, National Spanish Exam Gold Medal, Silver Medal, and Honorable Mention, FBLA State Qualifier, and Academic Letters all four years. After graduation Kristen plans to major in Biochemistry and minor in Spanish at Mizzou followed by the pursuit of a Masters and PhD to become an Infectious Disease Researcher.
Kristen acknowledges her parents, sister, teachers, coaches, Mr. Garner, and all of the people and friends who pushed me to become who she is today.

Jordyn Gunn Dunn has been named a Co-Salutatorian of the Notre Dame Regional High School Class of 2020. Jordyn is the daughter of Johnathan and Kris Dunn and is a member of Immaculate Conception Parish in Jackson. Academically, Jordyn is involved in FBLA, National Honor Society, and Tri-M Music Honors Society. She is also involved in Women IN God’s Service, Pro-Life Club, Peer Helpers, and Franciscan Leadership Club. Jordyn has been recognized for Academic Excellence and on the Honor Roll since her freshman year along with receiving Student of the Year in Economics (2018) and Chemistry (2019). After graduation Jordyn plans to attend the University of Missouri – Columbia and major in Nursing after which she plans to attending Practitioner or Medical school.
She thanks her parents for always giving her support.

Nicholas (Nick) Hux has been named a Co-Salutatorian of the Notre Dame Regional High School Class of 2020. Nick is the son of Jeff and Tara Hux and is a member of Saint Francis Xavier Parish in Sikeston. Nick is involved in several academic clubs including National Honor Society, Student Council, FBLA, Science Club and Friends of the Library. In addition to his academic club involvement, he is involved in service and mentorship clubs including Student Ambassadors, Peer Helpers, SADD, and Pro Life Club. Athletically, Nick finished his senior year as a Captain of the varsity swim team. During his time on the swim team, he garnered four state medals in swim including 8th place in the 100 free, 6th place in the 200 free, and 5th place in the 500 free and 4th place in the 200 free relay; the Swim High Point Award in 2017, 2018, 2019; and the Swim Leadership Award in 2019. He has received additional academic honors including the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award, 2019 Pre-Calculus Student of the Year, 2017 Civics and English student of the year and earned four Math Field day medals. After graduation Nick plans to attend Florida State University to pursue an undergraduate mechanical engineering degree. After obtaining his bachelor’s degree he will be seeking a Master’s Degree or Medical School.
Nick would like to thank his parents most of all for everything they do for him and have taught him, Brother David for being so influential, all of the teachers and staff of Notre Dame, and my coaches Jason Cravens, Dan Rau, and Joe Graves for always keeping me focused.
Academic Awards Video
NDHS is proud to honor the Academic Achievements for our Class of 2020.
An Academic Letter is earned by making the A Honor Roll–a 3.67 quarter GPA with no C grades–during each quarter of the school year.
The College Preparatory Studies Certificate is awarded to students who successfully complete a rigorous academic program in high school and have earned a GPA of at least a 3.0 in the specific subject areas In addition, they must have scored a 24 or above on the ACT or 1190 on the SAT.
Bright Flight and Illinois State Scholar recognition is achieved by scoring in the 95th percentile or above on the ACT or SAT.
Show Me Scholars recognition is built around a course of study that encourages students to take more demanding classes in high school; they must earn a C or better in those specific courses. Students must submit 50 documented service hours and maintain other aspects of their education such as good citizenship and attendance.
Summa Cum Laude: Students who have maintained a minimum grade point average of 4.0 have been awarded a gold honor stole to wear at Graduation
Magna Cum Laude: Students who have maintained a minimum grade point average of 3.75 have been awarded a silver honor stole to wear at Graduation.
Cum Laude: Students who have maintained a minimum grade point average of 3.5 have been awarded a bronze honor stole to wear at Graduation.