
The senior class is hosting a dinner on Monday, September 30, from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at Notre Dame Regional High School. The cost is $13 and we take cash or credit card. Thank you for supporting Notre Dame & the senior class!

kettle beef
mashed potatoes
green beans


Online Auction

The online auction will begin on Friday, September 27 at 3:00 p.m. FINAL bids are Friday, October 4, at 7:00 p.m. Below are items being auctioned off by the senior class. Click the link below for package details and to start bidding!

St. Louis Getaway
Braces Make Beautiful Faces
Escape to Paradise
Welcome to The Warehouse
Ultimate Pond Adventure
The Beach is Calling
Seed & Steak
Self-Care Kit
Par for the Course
Get Graduation Ready

Sales Items

Below are a list of items the senior class is selling. Click on the name of an item below to view pictures and printable order forms. Download the form and order from a senior student! All school sales items are shown at the bottom of the page.

All-School Sales Items

Raffle tickets, candy bars, trash bags, butter braids, Bulldog Bites cereal & Imo’s Pizza will be sold by all students. You can order and pay online for these items, with the exception of candy bars. Candy bars must be purchased from a student. All sales made by noon will be credited on the next day. Online ordering will close at noon on Saturday, October 5.

If you know a Notre Dame student and want to give credit to that student, you will be asked to enter their name when you order. Please make sure that student knows you have ordered online so the student can deliver your product when it arrives at school.

If you do not know a student, leave that question blank. Unnamed student sales will be divided between classes. Please plan to pick up your order at school when it arrives. You will be notified by text and/or email before the delivery date.

Trash Bags

Order online or download the form below.

Butter Braids

Order online or download the form below.

Imo's Pizza

Order online or download the form below.

Raffle Tickets

Order online or from a student.

Bulldog Bites

Order online or download the form below.

Candy Bars

Not available online. Please purchase from a student.

Class Moderator Contacts

Josie Menz, josiemenz@notredamecape.org, 573-335-6772 ext. 505
Jerry Landewe, jerrylandewe@notredamecape.org, 573-335-6772 ext. 502